Design & Build

We did.
And we'd do it again...

With so much of our work involving the digital—from envisaging and protoyping digital services to creating online content and communications—we thought it was probably about time that we learn to code and build our own website.

After a short HTML/CSS immersion course in 2015 (we wrote about the experience and our reflections on it here), we've since been diving into the wealth of online course at Treehouse, with the aim of upskilling enough to release a brand new site towards the end of 2016.

Cohere 3.0

This third iteration of our homepage is finally something we can have a flicker of pride for—despite the designerly inclination to tear it up and start all over again on 4.0! Our new homepage gives visitors a deeper insight into some of our recent work and a more concise view of the services we offer.

Cohere Digital—open for business

With our digital design and build capabilities growing stronger everyday, we're keen to take on new small to medium digital projects to put our skills to the test. We'd love to hear from you if you have a project in mind—


November 2016


Digital design,
HTML/CSS build,